Thursday, July 2, 2015

St. Joseph Catholic Church

building #1 northeast corner of Barre and S Howard Streets.
building #2  1900-1901 Barre Street, (several numbers to the east of the old building).
building #3 south side of Lee St between S. Sharp & Hanover (originally Lee St Baptist)

Formed in 1839 as a church to cater to the Irish workers at the B& O Rail Road, St Joseph was the first Catholic church in the southern portion of the City.  The first building was in a curious style which a number of churches were fashioning in the early years of the 19th century before more accurate Gothic or Romanesque styles had taken hold.

In 1900 the old building was found to be inadequate and a new larger edifice, in the Romanesque was put up several numbers to the east, which had been occupied by the parish school.

In 1901 the old building had ceases to be used for worship and was leased out to a shoe factory and a little later by a machinery manufacturer.  In 1905 the old building was bought by the B &  O Rail Road in part of an expansion program. The church and many houses were located on the edge of the Rail Road yards and were gobbled up.

In 1912-13 the B & O wanted more land and pressed for the sale

of the new St Joseph building.  The Archdiocese bought the recently vacated Lee Street Baptist church, which was on Lee St between S Sharp and Hanover Streets. The Baptist building was to have been demolished and a new grand Catholic edifice put up in its place. Plans changed and the old Lee Street building was fitted up for Catholic worship.

The very fine & large stained glass windows from St. Joe's 2nd building found their way into St. Jerome Church, which was a few blocks away.

By the 1960's the neighborhood in which St. Joe's was located was slated for urban renewal and  an access ramp off for Interstate 95. The church was demolished to make way for new upscale town homes.

Building #1 Barre & Howard streets 1839

Building#2  Barre St east of Howard 1900

Building #3 Lee Street between Hanover & Sharp streets
(originally built 1860s by Lee Street Baptist)

1876 Hopkins map
1914 City atlas showing the demolished property
1914 City atlas showing the new location in the old Lee St Baptist building.

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